by GHACF team | Jun 16, 2020 | Community Foundation News, Team, Who We Are
Traditionally our May board meeting includes an annual dinner with the board, full team, and significant others. While this year’s meeting was held via Zoom, our board chair still “passed the gavel” while we bid farewell to our outgoing board members and welcomed two...
by GHACF team | Jan 21, 2020 | Behind the Scenes, Trustees, Who We Are
Anil Mandala joined the GHACF board in 2015, is the current chair of the Grants Committee, and has served on the Executive, Governance, and Impact Investing committees. His discerning approach, in partnership with his insight on community needs, makes him a valuable...
by GHACF team | Jun 25, 2019 | Community Foundation News, Trustees, Who We Are
GHACF recently welcomed two new members to the Board of Trustees: Keith Konarska and Shirley Woodruff.Keith Konarska is the former Superintendent for Grand Haven Area Public Schools (GHAPS). He and his family moved to Grand Haven in 1999 when he accepted the position...
by GHACF team | Apr 9, 2019 | Community Foundation News, Trustees, Who We Are
Each spring, our Governance Committee identifies and invites community members to serve on our Board of Trustees. It also means we must say farewell to those who have completed their service. This year, Sandy Huber and Mark Kleist have reached the end of their...
by GHACF team | Oct 30, 2018 | Community Foundation Stories, Trustees, Who We Are
As a nonprofit organization, our Board of Trustees serves as our governing body and provides invaluable guidance and vision for all areas of our work. These individuals donate their time, energy, and expertise to help us identify opportunities for long-term community...