Michigan’s Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) is a need-based federal government plan administered through the state of Michigan that could be one of the most valuable financial aid resources for students. To qualify, students have to have qualified for Medicaid for 24 months in any 36-month period starting as early as eighth grade.
“I had always wanted to go to college but I did not think it would be possible for me to go,” said Jessica Ayers, a 2016 GHHS graduate. “My mom is a single parent and had recently lost her job. I sat and watched others plan their future and I realized that I was not going to be able to go to college like they were.”
In 2016-17, through the Tri-Cities College Access Network (TCAN) college advisor, 125 graduating seniors within the Tri-Cities were identified as TIP eligible. That equates to approximately $1 million in tuition that will be paid during their first year of college.
“When I was told about the TIP program, everything changed for me,” said Ayers. “I finally felt as if my future was opening up and I was going to be able to explore some of the dreams I have for my future. I am now excited about how TIP program is going to allow me to continue my education and help me get a great career not just a job.”
All TIP eligible students meet with the TCAN college advisor to go over the details of the program, register for TIP, and ensure that these funds are available to them if they are pursuing their education after high school.
The financial assistance of TIP consists of two phases.
Phase I:
- Accepted by some universities and almost all community colleges in Michigan
- Covers tuition and fees for two years
- The dollar amount varies depending on the college, but TIP will fully cover tuition costs for most community colleges
Phase II:
- Pays for tuition up to $2000 ($500 per semester) at a number of state universities for years three and four after the first two years of college have been completed
- Accepted by many schools
- Students must have used Phase I to be eligible to receive Phase II funding
For a complete description of TIP, view the Michigan’s Student Scholarships Grants brochure: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mistudentaid/5111_447272_7.pdf
If you know a student who you think might be eligible, please have them contact their high school counselors or TCAN college advisor, Jana Reenders at janareenders63@gmail.com for more information.