As our community’s needs evolve, we remain firmly committed to improving the quality of life for all because we all benefit from a healthy and vibrant community.

Our Greatest Needs Fund makes this possible.

With your generous gifts, we can continue to impact critical programs that support health and human services, culture and diversity, economic and community betterment, education, the arts, and the environment.

Every contribution makes a difference—right here in northwest Ottawa County.

Part of our role in this community is to raise awareness of critical issues facing the people who live here—like the current lack of affordable housing and the mental health crisis affecting our youth. By partnering with local nonprofit organizations, we make sure our funds are invested strategically so they’ll do the most good and positively impact our community.

We’re here forever, continuing to do good work in our community because of your gift(s) to the Greatest Needs Fund. We empower strategic giving while individuals are living, as well as enable the opportunity to perpetuate that charitable spirit forever through our Legacy Society.

Your generous contribution to the Greatest Needs Fund today allows us to invest in our community in a flexible and impactful way that addresses a broad range of critical needs, including future needs that cannot be anticipated.

Our future is what we envision and work together to achieve. Our legacy will be what we accomplish together.

Thank you very much for your support. We invite you to please give generously.


Please take a moment to check out our annual Giving and Living publication (PDF or online view). We hope that by seeing the impact your donation has made, the diverse roles that we play in our community, and the results that we achieved last year, you will feel compelled to support us with a generous year-end gift.