Tammy Bailey, Board Chair, and Holly Johnson, President
Each fall, we publish our report to the community, and our latest edition is now available! Since our last report to the community, we’ve launched a new website, added three new team members and two board members, and our assets passed the $100 million mark!
Here at the foundation, we believe in uniting individuals, organizations, corporations, and financial resources around the causes that are important to the people in our community. 2016 was the largest fund development year in our history, and we achieved this milestone solely because of the generosity of this community. Your support of our work allows us to engage and care for all areas of our community and we thank you.
Collectively, from all our funds, the community foundation invested over $6 million in our region in 2016. Our community continues to rally around the Save the Catwalk campaign and we can’t wait to see the new Lynne Sherwood Waterfront Stadium enrich our downtown.
Creating and sustaining community-level change requires a clear vision, persistence, and able partners working together toward common goals. We thank you for the continued trust that you place in us, as well as your ongoing partnership and your generous support.
Click here to view the annual report online or download a PDF.