Grant Application Process
The Coopersville Area Community Foundation awards grants in the areas of Arts & Culture, Economic & Community Betterment, Education, Environment, and Health & Human Services to charitable organizations that are recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We are also able to award grants to units of government, educational institutions, and churches that are providing services which benefit the Coopersville community.
The Coopersville Area Community Foundation:
- Encourages programs which are collaborative, comprehensive, and have potential for continuity.
- Encourages leveraging and matching grant opportunities involving multiple funding sources.
- Supports “seed money” requests to assist innovative projects.
- Encourages programs and projects focused on problem prevention rather than cure.

Step 1: Contact the Coopersville Area Community Foundation
If you are interested in applying for a competitive grant, please contact Holly Cole, Vice President of Grants & Program, or call 616-842-6378 to discuss your proposal and determine if it aligns with our grantmaking priorities.

Step 2: Complete a Grant Application
Upon discussion of your proposal and determination of alignment with the Coopersville Area Community Foundation, the appropriate grant application will be made available to you through the online application portal.

Step 3: Grant Applications Reviewed
Our team conducts a thorough due diligence process on all submitted grant applications. We may require a follow-up site visit made by the Grants Committee and approved by our Advisory Board.
Coopersville Area Grant Program
To begin the process, contact the CACF team to discuss your proposal. We’ll then review your proposal within two weeks of submission to determine whether the project aligns with our grantmaking priorities, and will respond with next steps.
If eligible the appropriate grant application will be made available to you through the online application portal. Grant applications are reviewed with due diligence and may require a follow-up site visit. Lastly, final grant decisions are made with funding recommendations made by the committee and approved through our Board of Trustees.

For questions about the grant portal or our grantmaking process and guidelines, contact our Vice President of Grants & Program, Holly Cole.
Coopersville Area Community Foundation | 182 East Street Rm 112, Coopersville, MI 49404 | 616-502-9386