The Allendale Community Foundation is working to strengthen our community by enabling people and organizations to support existing funds as well as create charitable funds that address a wide range of interests. We are a place-based charitable grantmaker that supports organizations that are positively impacting Allendale. We care deeply about Allendale and we are committed to bringing together the right people and partners to forever care for this place we call home.
Teacher Mini-Grants
The Allendale Community Foundation invites our schools to apply for mini-grant funding to try out a new idea or buy the “extras” for an already great lesson plan or project.
Grants of up to $250 are awarded to teachers to enhance their instructional program. Any teacher, counselor, or administrator employed in a public or private school located in the Allendale area is eligible to apply. Grants are limited to one per classroom and one per teacher per school year.
The Teacher Mini-Grant application deadline is every September, with award notifications occurring in November.

Allendale Community Foundation | P. O. Box 365, Allendale, MI 49401 | 616-895-4777