Iliana Ponce

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

What that means

Whether it’s in person or over the phone, I am the first person you will speak with at GHACF! I am responsible for tending to all our wonderful visitors and aiding our team with administrative tasks. 

Education & Experience

I am a Holland High School Alumni and a thriving professional with more than a decade of experience in administrative and office management roles.

How long with GHACF

I joined the team in the fall of 2023.

Why do you work at the GHACF

I am passionate about collaborating with organizations that strive to make a positive long-lasting impact and genuinely care about their community and its members, and GHACF is exactly that. I am proud to be a part of this organization that has been a constant strong pillar in the community. My desire is to offer my skills and talents to support the GHACF team so we can continue to do so for many more generations to come.

Leisure activity or hobby

I love watching sunsets, taking peaceful hikes and practicing my nature photography shots. I also enjoy true-crime documentaries, singing and writing.

Bonus Fact

I aspire to be a polyglot, which is a person who knows and is fluent in multiple languages. I’m currently working on my third language which is Dari; one of the official languages of Afghanistan. سلام علیکم چطور هستید؟